Sense-On Technology: Vanity Planet Digital Scale & Body Analyzer is a home measurement system that allows easy tracking of health and fitness progress. The device turns on when stepped on and turns off when not in use, making it convenient and easy to use. Capable of handling up to 397 pounds.
Precise Reading: The stainless-steel pads on the platform use BIA (Bio Impedance Analysis) technology, which passes an undetectable electrical current through the body to measure vital body composition statistics.
Plan Your Fitness Session: Unlike other body scales, ours not only calculates weight, but also gives a comprehensive analysis of overall health. By monitoring body stats on a regular basis, opportunities for growth can be tracked and changes made to lifestyle, workout or daily routine. Body composition statistics include body fat percentage, muscle mass, bone density, and water weight.
Safekeeping: Avoid using the device on wet floors or while still wet from the shower. Do not store this device where it can be exposed to extreme temperatures, humidity, moisture, sunlight or dust. Do not store in the same place where chemicals and cleaners are stored.
High-Performing, Skin-Inclusive, Self-Care Essentials—For Everyone: Vanity Planet continues to evolve the everyday beauty routine with accessible skincare and styling devices, and advanced treatments to suit every skin type. Our trend-forward beauty and wellness products deliver spa-grade experiences to the home—for well-being, fresh starts to beautiful skin, and holistic rituals.