- Silicon brush head: Vanity Planet Skin spa silicone replacement brush head offers soft, hygienic bristles for a thorough cleansing experience to achieve a youthful and healthy glow.
- Effective glowspin: its bristles deeply clean pores for a radiant glow. It is designed to efficiently remove makeup and oil, leading to unclogged pores, and helps to moisturize skin post-cleansing to prevent dryness.
- For daily use: this brush can be used as an everyday exfoliator, ideal for those with dry and sensitive skin, leaving skin softer and healthier.
- Exfoliates and cleanses: maintains healthy skin and prevents skin diseases, keeping skin purified. Silicon brush exfoliates for a youthful glow.
- Product care: thoroughly rinse brush head after each use. If discolored from makeup or debris, clean with warm, soapy water and allow to dry. Clean the base and handle weekly with a slightly damp cloth. Replace brush heads every 2-3 months. Daily cleansing, exfoliating, and silicone brush heads are available.